Congratulations to Elisabeth Bröskamp at Reitponyzucht Bröskamp in Germany to welcoming our precious Welsh Mountain fillies to her new breeding program. We are very happy to see that Stellar Tears of Gold, Stellar Lady of the Lake and Stellar Tinkerbell are now joining Stellar Lux Legacy at the center in Germany.

Stellar Tears of Gold by Friars Solomon out of Friars Tears from Heaven
is carrying the Friars Stud’s illustrious Tears family genes! Friars Tears of Gold, a section A Welsh Mountain Pony mare, was sold for a world record price (£11,000) at Fayre Oaks High Flyer evening sale at the Royal Welsh Show-ground, Builth Wells in 2006.

Stellar Tinkerbell by Friars Flying Fox out of Minydon Tallulah also has her fair share of Royal Welsh Winners in her pedigree, and her grandfather Uphill James Fox made history when becoming the first Welsh Mountain sec A to win Olympia.

Stellar Lady of the Lake by Friarly Super Stanley, out of the gold awarded Immybrook Ladybird, is a double dilute and DNA-tested not carrying grey.