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Stellar Girls to Germany

Congratulations to Elisabeth Bröskamp at Reitponyzucht Bröskamp in Germany to welcoming our precious Welsh Mountain fillies to her new breeding program. We are very happy to see that Stellar Tears of Gold, Stellar Lady of the Lake and Stellar Tinkerbell are now joining Stellar...
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Royal Welsh 2023

As always Royal Welsh was very interesting to visit this year, and we met up with some great friends that we have not seen for a while. This is the absolute toughest show of the year with amazing ponies from the leading studs –...
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Both Sunwillow Vaiana & Smokeycott Shezam won!

Fantastic day with great friends at Southern Counties Welsh Pony And Cob Association show last weekend! Smokeycott Shezam was 1st Sec B 2yr colt/filly class, Youngstock Champion, Overall Sec B Champion and gaining her Bronze medal! All on her first show of the season....
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